在与贵公司两年的合作过程中,贵公司员工与我xxx有限公司自备热电厂员工同甘共苦,克服了地域、气候、饮食、住宿等生活困难,高标准、严要求开展工作,认真履行合同要求,对华电蒲城电厂负责,对业主负责。两年来,贵公司员工能吃苦、能战斗、能奉献、能超越的优良品格,认真踏实的工作态度,爱岗敬业的工作精神,不仅树立和提升了贵公司良好的企业形象,也为我xxx有限公司自备热电厂员工树立了良好的学习榜样。设备安装期间贵公司技术人员全面检查设备安装质量、整理设备资料,对我公司运行人员开展针对性的技术培训,并组织编制了技术规程、运行规程、操作票等,绘制了系统图及相关生产所需的应急预案、机组试运方案;设备试运期间贵公司运行人员全力配 ……此处隐藏1443个字……e is no denying that it can help me to take exams and communicate with foreigners. At the same time, I am very happy to be your student, and I am also very happy to study this course under your guidance. English is an important tool for us to share our experiences with the world. I cherish the opportunity to learn English very much, and I enjoy the happiness your courses bring me.
Finally, please forgive me for any mistakes I may have made that may have upset you. What I have learned from you will help me pass the upcoming exams and will also be useful for my further education abroad. This is not only the progress of my study, but also the cultivation of my ability.
I wish you all the best.
Your students,
Li Ming